The 38 Ways to Happiness :- Artfulness in Application (4)
The 38 Ways to Happiness. The Third Group of Blessings. Blessing Eight :- Artfulness in Application.
What kind of knowledge does Buddhism provide for their benefit?
My students often ask the question that when other school subjects they study provide them with various types of knowledge regarding managing the Four Basic Requisites in their everyday lives, then what kind of knowledge does Buddhism provide for their benefit?
People think they didn’t go to the temple, they would receive merit too because they donate money. How can I explain to them?
used to invite relatives to come to the temple to make merit, but they refused and only sent money each time. They thought that even though they didn’t go to the temple, they would receive merit because it’s their money. How can I explain to them?
The 38 Ways to Happiness :- Having done good deeds in one's past (3)
The 38 Ways to Happiness The second group of blessings Blessing Five:- Having done good deeds in one's past
Dhamma Practice
Dried sandal wood is still fragrant, squeezed sugar cane is still sweet, refined salt is still salty, but a wise man, even in crisis, still practices Dhamma
The kalyanamitra Temple
Within the Buddhist community, temples are recognized as a centre for moral training. Another way of viewing this is that temple is a place that teaches people to be ‘human’
The Practice of Austerities#2
Restraint of the senses is to be calm and take control over your mind and soul using your consciousness. How do you compose yourself? Let us focus on the following
Blessing Our Descendants
When we reach old age, blessing our descendants becomes an important duty among our many obligations
Giving Or Charity.
In reference to the uncomplicated and immidiate benefits of giving, these mertorious acts make our faith more firmly rooted and create greater opportunities to acquire more wisdom.
The 38 Ways to Happiness :- Associate with the Wise (6)
The 38 Ways to Happiness. The First Group of Blessings. Blessing Two :- Associate with the Wise.